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Why Materialize?

Why use Materialize?

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CDC Part 1 Here we set the context for and propose a change data capture protocol: a means of writing down and reading back changes to data.
CDC 2 Change Data Capture (CDC) is finally gaining widespread adoption as a architectural primitive. Why now?
CDC 3 An illustration of the unexpectedly high downstream cost of clever optimizations to change data capture.
Why use a Materialized View? Materialized views offer cost-efficient querying by storing results in memory & updating only as needed, perfect for optimized data management.
Kafka is not a database In principle, it is possible to use Kafka as a database. But in doing so you will confront every hard problem that database management systems have faced for decades.
Four ACID Questions Four questions, and their answers, to explain ACID transactions and how they are handled within Materialize.
Eventual Consistency isn't for streaming Understand why eventual consistency isn't suitable for streaming systems & the systematic errors it can cause with Materialize's insights.
Materialize + NYC Taxi Data A real-world application
View Maintenance Materialize's approach to data processing & view maintenance offers real-time insights for immediate action on live data.